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#include <dkim.h>
DKIM_STAT dkim_chunk(
	DKIM *dkim,
	unsigned char *chunkp,
	size_t len
Handle a chunk of message input. The input is a buffer of message data which may contain headers or body. An entire message may be fed to the API in one buffer using this function. The API will determine automatically the boundary between header fields and the body of the message and process it accordingly.

Message body content should be in canonical form (e.g., with dot-stuffing removed, if any).

Lines in the data chunk are expected to be CRLF-terminated in the standard way. For input that is not, consider setting the DKIM_LIBFLAGS_FIXCRLF (see dkim_options()), which will cause this function to attempt to auto-detect based on the first line whether the input is CRLF-terminated or not, and adapt accordingly.

dkim_eoh() will be called implicitly by this function upon encountering the end of the message's header block, but the caller must still use dkim_eom() to complete processing of the message. Also, this function should be called with a NULL value for chunkp and/or a zero value for len when no more chunks are to be passed to the API, prior to calling dkim_eom().

Called When dkim_chunk() is called zero or more times between creation of the DKIM handle, using dkim_sign() and dkim_verify(), and dkim_eom().
dkim Message-specific handle, returned by dkim_sign() or dkim_verify()
chunkp Pointer to the start of this block of message data. A value of NULL indicates to the API that no more chunks are to follow.
len The amount of data pointed to by chunkp. A value of 0 indicates to the API that no more chunks are to follow.
  • DKIM_STAT_INVALID indicates the dkim handle was already used in by one of the non-streaming data input calls (e.g. dkim_header(), dkim_eoh() or dkim_body()).
  • DKIM_STAT_INVALID may also indicate that this function was previously called with terminating arguments (see above), implying data input had finished.
  • DKIM_STAT_OK indicates normal completion.
  • May also return other values as passed through from dkim_header(), dkim_eoh() or dkim_body().
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