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#include <dkim.h>

DKIM_STAT dkim_getcachestats(
                        DKIM_LIB *lib,
			u_int *queries,
			u_int *hits,
			u_int *expired,
			u_int *keys,
			_Bool reset
Retrieve libopendkim caching statistics.
Called When dkim_getcachestats() can be called at any time.
lib A DKIM library handle as previously returned by a call to dkim_init().
queries Pointer to an unsigned integer which will receive the number of queries libopendkim has processed. This can be NULL if that datum is not of interest to the caller.
hits Pointer to an unsigned integer which will receive the number of queries which were found in the cache being maintained by the library. This can be NULL if that datum is not of interest to the caller.
expired Pointer to an unsigned integer which will receive the number of queries which were found in the cache but whose time-to-live value had expired and thus a re-query was required. This can be NULL if that datum is not of interest to the caller.
keys Pointer to an unsigned integer which will receive the number of records present in the cache. Note that this includes records that have passed their time-to-live limits but have not yet been purged. This can be NULL if that datum is not of interest to the caller.
reset If TRUE, the queries, hits and expired counters will be reset to 0. No change is made to cached data.
  • DKIM_STAT_OK -- requested values returned
  • DKIM_STAT_INVALID -- the cache has not yet been initialized
  • DKIM_STAT_NOTIMPLEMENT -- library was not compiled with caching enabled
  • Caching is enabled via the setting of the DKIM_LIBFLAGS_CACHE library option using the dkim_options() function.
  • Caching must be enabled in the library at compile time since it establishes an extra library dependency.

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